The Other Side of the World, the radio drama produced by Simon Moorhead and TBC Audio about the creation of Whicker’s World, will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra on Sunday 13th November and after broadcast on BBC iPlayer below:
Invasion of the Not Quite Dead released to backers
A D Lane’s fifteen-year effort to get his Invasion of the Not Quite Dead feature film completed against all odds has been achieved.
Justin filmed for Antony back in 2019 and today the director confirmed that the film has been sent to crowdfunding backers for viewing.
A wider release is anticipated in early 2023. More information can be found here.
Are We Monsters now available for streaming!
Seb Cox’s FrightFest 2021 feature debut ‘Are We Monsters’ is now available to watch for free worldwide on Plex (with advertisement breaks) or for a small fee on Amazon Prime Video in the UK.
Watch ‘Are We Monsters’ for free now on Plex at:
Or on Prime at:
12 Hours 2 Steal goes to Beverly Hills
Justin’s female-led heist thriller screenplay 12 Hours 2 Steal is an official selection of the 22nd Beverly Hills Film Festival, which will be taking place virtually in June of this year.
Justin is delighted to be back at the festival, in which his first feature screenplay, Z.APP, was an official selection in 2019.
Valdís Wins Multiple Awards
Valdís, Aidan Crowley’s dark and disturbing web series, in which Justin plays other-worldly being Akzel, continues to win further awards in festivals from Los Angeles through to Singapore.
The whole series can be seen on Vimeo at
Short film ‘Moonshine’ released
Award-winning Director Tom Sands has released ‘Moonshine’ after a successful festival run. Justin plays Uncle Ollie in this dark comedy, in which Shereener Browne plays an alcoholic who is confronted with an intervention by her family and friends, but all does not go according to plan.
Vindication Swim marks completion with Blue Plaque for Mercedes Gleitze in Brighton, New Poster
Relsah Films, the company behind the up-coming Mercedes Gleitze biopic ‘Vindication Swim’, released a new promotional poster to coincide with the completition of post production on the epic, three-year journey to complete the film.
Justin plays Mercedes’s coach – or one of them – Leonard Clay, who attempts to help her achieve a significant milestone; to be the first British woman to swim the channel.
Celebrating the achievement of completing the film with the new poster coincided with the unveiling of a new blue plaque dedicated to the life and charitable work of Mercedes in Brighton. Elliott, the director, and some of the cast and crew, attended the unveilling today.
Strange new web series ‘VALDÍS’
Justin appears in the disturbing, brutalist gothic noir webseries, ‘VALDÍS’ from the complex mind of Aidan Crowley. Four episodes are currently available, with the first and subsequent episodes found here. Justin appears in Episodes 3, 4 and 5 (coming soon).
The Lockdown Hauntings now available in North America
Howard J Ford’s The Lockdown Hauntings is now available for streaming on the following platforms in North America:
Amazon Prime
Google Play
The Lockdown Hauntings US Release Date
Howard J Ford’s The Lockdown Hauntings will be released in the USA on streaming platforms on 19th October 2021 and available on DVD from November 2021.